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Luton Borough Council

Complaints about the conduct of councillors

Our Standards Committee has responsibility for ensuring that complaints that a councillor in Luton (or 'co-opted member') may have breached our code of conduct are appropriately considered.

A co-opted member is someone who sits on a committee of the council but is not an elected councillor.

If you want to complain about the conduct of a councillor (or co-opted member) your complaint must be in writing and should be sent to:

Luton Council Standards Committee
c/o Monitoring Officer
Town Hall
Luton, LU1 2BQ)

You can also send an email to: [email protected]

A form which you may use to submit your complaint is available below.

Report a councillor complaint

Where appropriate, the complaint may be considered by a sub-committee of the Standards Committee, known as a local assessment panel (LAP).

Any complaint must:

  • be about the behaviour of the councillor or co-opted member
  • say why you believe the councillor or co-opted member has failed to comply with the code of conduct

Complaints about council services will not be dealt with by the LAP, but should be made through our normal complaints procedure.

The code of conduct is available to download here: Council Constitution - Part 4 A: Code of Conduct for Members).


Contact info
Monitoring officer
Town Hall, Luton, LU1 2BQ

[email protected]


© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ